The Music Box, who kindly sent me this box to review, is a subscription service that sends music and fun gifts to your front door.
We hand pick emerging artists (keeping in mind your favorite genres) and send you new music every month. Items that may be included in your Music Box are CD's, posters, autographs, t-shirts, stickers, wristbands, and much more!
Cost: $10 - Free shipping to US, $5 to Canada, and $9 to UK & Australia
Use Code: 10OFF to get 10% off.
The box had a couple of stickers and a lot business cards for various bands. Some included free downloads of their music.
3PM Wristbands
Statelines Dylan Jakobsen
Country Rock EP.
Chrysalis Focus On The Center
A CD from an alternative metal band.
Irene Torres & The Sugar Devils Gonna Learn The Hard Way
A band out of Toronto that blends blues, funk, r&b, jazz, latin & soul.
When you sign up for The Music Box you can list your favourite and least favourite genres of music, so you'll get music customized based on your preferences. Three CD’s, a pair of sunglasses, wristbands and free music downloads - not bad for $10! It's too bad they didn't ask me what genres I like, because I'm not into any of this type of music. This is a good subscription if you like discovering new music and indie bands.
What do you think of The Music Box?